Sunday, August 2, 2015

[Week 3]Tony Fadell

When he talks about the fruit with the sticker on, to me his trying to say that the world is always improving but at the same time when it's improving to an advantage, there will be a disadvantage. Just like the fruit, in the past there was not any sticker but now there is which allows us to grab and pay for the fruit easier.But before we can eat it immediately we still have to search for the sticker to dig it out and have a minor of its flesh wasted,making our hands sticky and also having to try to flick the sticker out of our hands.(Which I find it really true!)

He talked about Mary Anderson that invented the car swept. When he talked about it , the sharing tells me that anyone can actually make a small change to our everyday life if we can see it in another angle.She's also respected by him as she made changes that people can't see it from and not changing something that everyone sees it. 

He also talks about his work at apple where Steve job made everyone come to work everyday to observe the customers. The eagerness of wanting to use a new device straight away. When I started using electronic devices, I still can use the newly bought device straight away, I have not been though the times where there's a sticker saying "charge battery before use" so I don't know how it really feel to not get to use the device immediately. Thankful enough that Steve job actually saw this and made a change that eventually everyone followed.

He gave 3 tips :

looking broader- He gave a very good example. sometimes in the mist of chaos we just have to simply step back and look broader, there will be a way to solve the problem 

looking closer- it's very important. like he said different screws are used differently even though that have just a slight detail that is different but it makes a difference. 

Think younger- As we grow older we get used to the environment. Just like if we met with some problems we might think in a complicated manner but if we have some people who thinks younger or is younger, they will probably think in an easier manner to solve the problem ! 

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