Sunday, August 16, 2015

Izzac Mizrahi - Fashion and creativity

Honestly speaking, I really don't understand what he's trying to say but I'll give it a try :) 

He sounds like a stalker to me, following a person as he finds something about them is special for example following the guy for his shoes. Well I do admit I look at how people dress especially shoes too but not to the extend like him :P Well, I find him very brave to go upfront to ask the guy if he could take a photo of his shoes and he also does not really care how other people look at him.

Hmm... indeed some things only when there's mistake than it'll be nice. Why must everything be perfect to be nice? nope it does not have to be the case. To me there will somehow be beauty in the mistake just that it's hard to find or tell. 

Colors are important in my opinion. If there's wasn't colors in the world I don't know how I'm going to survive like everything is so down, it's all in black and white. This make me think of the past where there were no colored television,phones or games like isn't it boring? I really wondered how people those times make it wouldn't colored stuffs. 

so... I guess this actually ends everything:]

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